Top Ten Breast Cancer Prevention Tips

Photo: AP
Photo: AP

Earlier this week, the White House put up a giant pink ribbon over the front steps in recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Follow these “Top Ten” vital tips to help prevent Breast Cancer from occurring in the first place.

This Health Alert is not just for women – men need to know this information too!


1. Get regular mammograms. It sounds obvious, but you’d be surprised how many women don’t.

Earlier this month, an Australian study found that women who get regular mammograms had a 4.7 percent risk of dying of breast cancer; women who weren’t screened had a 56 percent mortality rate. Some women “hate” mammograms, I don’t like them either, see Tip #3 below.

2. Find out whether you or women close to you have “dense breasts”.

What does this mean? It means the breast cells grow and multiply more rapidly, raising your risk. Plus dense breasts make it harder for a mammogram to “see” through the tissue and detect a tumor.

While dense breast tissue is more common in younger women who haven’t yet had children, it’s also hereditary and can affect any woman. I have a dear 43-year-old friend whose breast tumor failed to show up on three years’ worth of mammograms before her doctor finally ordered an MRI.

How to find out? Schedule a breast exam and ask your doctor. Also talk to the radiologist who’s administering your mammogram.

3. Ask your doctor to recommend other tests.

Surprise: Mammograms are only 16 to 40 percent accurate, studies show.

Meanwhile ultrasounds and MRIs can detect breast tumors that may not show up on mammograms. MRIs, the gold standard, are 70 to 100 percent accurate.

In June 2009, Dartmouth University published a study showing that MRIs found tumors in 20 percent of patients who had already “passed” a mammogram or ultrasound. If you have any reason for concern, ask your doctor to refer you for an ultrasound, MRI, or both.

Next: Prevention

4. Know your BMI–and lower it if necessary. Studies show that women whose body mass index (BMI) is at the lower end of the scale for their height, lower their risk of breast cancer.

Even more important is getting rid of belly fat, which acts like a “hormone pump” releasing estrogen into the bloodstream as well as raising levels of other hormones.

5. Get 30 minutes a day minimum, of exercise. We all know this is one of the best ways to keep our weight down, but research also shows that activity itself helps prevent cancer by keeping hormone levels healthy. This is important for preventing hormone-fueled breast cancer. And you HAVE to exercise every single day, not one day on, one day off. EVERY SINGLE DAY.

6. Limit alcohol to one drink a day–or save it for special occasions. More than one drink a day is associated with a significant increase in breast cancer risk, and teetotalers have the lowest risk of all. It seems that alcohol boosts the effect of other toxins, such as nicotine from smoking, and can directly damage DNA, leading to cancer.

7. Eat those fruits and veggies. Eight a day, snack on them, juice them, Have one big salad every lunchtime with flax seed oil and lemon juice dressing. Flax fights cancer.

Next: Avoid These

8. Quit smoking. Sorry, I know you don’t want to hear it. But there are great new helpful tools to make it easier to quit, like our all natural Smoker’s Cure package of chinese herbs. And doing so will reduce your risk of not only breast cancer, but lung, colon, and throat cancer too.

In fact, if someone comes to our clinic and smokes tobacco we refuse to treat them.

9. Totally eliminate all dairy. No more milk (even organic raw milk), cheese, ice cream and butter.

The No Dairy Breast Cancer Prevention Program - by Jane Plant

Chinese women once had the lowest breast cancer rates in the world and then they were seduced into drinking milk and eating cheese. Result? Breast cancer rates leapt by 45% in just 3 years. Need more proof?

Get “The No Dairy Breast Cancer Prevention Program” by Jane Plant. Buy a 2nd hand copy for pennies on This book could wipe out Breast Cancer if every women read it.

Switch to organic soy or almond milk or the new Hemp Milk or Millet milk. No more pizzas with melted cheese, it’s pure cancer in every mouthful. Get incredible non-dairy cheese from my friends at instead.

Overall, women who eat a diet high in soy, tofu, tempeh instead of animal sourced milk and meat, have a far lower breast cancer risk.

10. Don’t take hormone replacement therapy drugs. There’s still plenty of controversy, but most experts agree that long-term use of hormone therapy boosts your breast cancer risk and endometrial cancer as well. Plus sudden heart attacks.

No wonder, these HRT drugs come from pregnant mare (horse) urine!

Use our totally safe, 100% effective alternative, Balanced Woman 40 Plus formula. It works wonders.

Conclusion and 3 More Tips

I attended a medical presentation last night by a local doctor for a presentation on Immune System Therapy. The doctor presenting remarked how she is seeing more and more new Breast Cancer patients every week, many mornings her waiting room full of nervous and scared women.

“We have an epidemic on our hands”, she said.

Here were her three additional recommendations, vitally important for Breast Cancer prevention:

  1. Load Up on Vitamin D-3. The USRDA is woefully inadequate.  Take a minimum of 10,000 iu’s a day.
  2. Dramatically boost your immune system. Get our Shark Liver Oil formula and our Immune Support formula – take 5 of each a day.
  3. Eat lots of cruciferous vegetables like Broccoli, Cabbage, Kale, Brussel Sprouts, Caulifower and Leeks.  Cruciferous vegetables are powerful anti-cancer foods, high in phytonutrients, and have dramatic effect on breast cancer. Our Indole-3 Carbinol formula is a pharmaceutical grade extract of all the cruciferous vegetables in a capsule.

If you need any further advice, please call me or email me ASAP.

Dr. G

P.S. I also urge everyone to re-read the article, How to Cancer-Proof Your Body in 97 Days or Less, published earlier this summer.

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