The End of Alzheimer's?

I don’t use words like “earth-shattering” every day but today we are proud to re- introduce something that is truly earth-shattering.

Make sure you are sitting down, because what you are about to read, I think is the most dramatic thing I’ve discovered to “freeze” the aging process.

This discovery has tremendous benefits for the brain and the heart, quite possibly the two most important organs in our body.

Right up there at the very top of the greatest health discoveries of the past 50 years has to be Coenzyme Q10. It is the gasoline that powers the tiny engine inside every cell, the “mitochondria”.

When our cells don’t get enough fuel, they stop functioning – dead in their tracks, just like your automobile.

When people first started supplementing their diet with CoQ10, miracles started being reported, particularly for the heart and cardiovascular system, for the brain, for fighting cancer, even getting wobbly teeth to stay in the gums – the list went on and on.

Yet all this time, CoQ10 has had a shy relative, a cousin known as Idebenone. With voluminous research over the past 20 years heralding Coenzyme Q10, Idebenone was receiving attention only in Japan, where it was developed by Takeda Pharmaceuticals for the study of Alzheimer’s disease and other cognitive defects.

I first came across Idebenone while working with a brain tumor client. We were looking for a way to increase production of “Nerve Growth Factor” to replenish the nerves after an unfortunate operation had gone wrong, and I made an amazing discovery.

Want to know how to avoid brain death? Read on.
Continue reading “The End of Alzheimer's?”

Alzheimer's, Pigs and Einstein

“Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death.”
– Albert Einstein

Let me tell you the story about how Alzheimer’s, pigs and Albert Einstein intersect in the body.

I recently had the opportunity to share my opinion on a radio interview, on how to live each day to the fullest, healthiest and most productive – and how to put an end to brain deterioration. Take a few minutes to listen the the interview.

Alzheimer’s did not exist when I was growing up. It has only appeared in the last few decades and was simply unknown until very recently. Other modern epidemics too are running rampant, like diabetes, hypertension, breast and prostate cancer.

We are having these new epidemics because we are doing things humans have never done before. These record rates are confined to the industrialized nations,
especially America.

No one in the history of the entire world has ever hogged down so many calories, fat, sugars, and nutrition-less food than we do. No one.

Alzheimer’s disease is basically based upon inflammation and oxidative stress – the same factors causing coronary heart disease. Once Alzheimer’s takes hold, it cannot be cured. The most significant causes are excess sugar intake (more than 160 pounds per person each year,) high blood glucose, high insulin, and insulin resistance.

Our mad devotion to eating double bacon cheeseburgers only adds fuel to the fire as we stuff over 40% saturated (animal) fat calories into ourselves each day. The percentage of fat we consume should only be 10 to 20%, and come directly from vegetable oils.

Excessive saturated animal fats from dead pigs (in the form of bacon and ham) and dead cows (hamburger, steak, etc.) is what is killing America.

Of course, we all need to stop our addiction to animal protein and eat NO pig and NO dairy. That’s the first step. But, there’s more.

Our Brain has a “Sixth Sense” quality about it.

Like so many of our formulas, Mind Power has seemingly a thousand and one ingredients. Every conceivable thing I discovered or was told about in my journeys would increase intelligence and enrich the brain is in this formula. (Click the picture on the right of the Supplement Facts label and you’ll see what I mean.)

Specifically, Mind Power helps anyone who does a lot of what I call “Volume Thinking”. Students of all ages discover an entirely new way of studying things and storing up tons of information for later use or analysis.

Continue reading “Alzheimer's, Pigs and Einstein”

3 Brain Anti-Aging Secrets

an artists rendering of the brain with neurons firing

We’ve discovered not one, but 3 brain anti-aging “magic bullets”.

Just one of these compounds can turn back the hands of time inside your head. We’ve combined all three incredible natural compounds into our new & improved Mind Power formula, as well as a veritable smorgasbord of brain-smart nutrients to create what I call the “Einstein Pill”.

With early-onset Alzheimer’s and dementia both now at epidemic levels, this latest breakthrough from our research team heralds a truly groundbreaking means of keeping your mind young, functioning clearly and remembering things just like when you were a teenager.

Read on and see if you agree with me.

If your Brain “goes”, everything goes!

While every single organ in our body is essential to life, without our brain, none of our other organs will function. The brain is our body’s personal computer. It actually “thinks” for us, an invisible action, but one with the power of Infinity itself in its capacity.

In fact,when we die, the death certificate does not say your heart stopped beating or your lungs ceased breathing, it will say “the brain has lost all electrical activity.”

And while we don’t mind putting on extra pounds as we age or putting up with wrinkles, none of us wants to have an old and feeble brain.

In fact, the most feared aspect of aging in research studies of every age group in the population, is losing our ability to think and coming down with Alzheimer’s or early-onset dementia.

A report from Australia hit my desk that said an unknown substance had been found to reverse aging in brain cells!

Continue reading “3 Brain Anti-Aging Secrets”

Help – My Brain is Shrinking!

Did You Know Your Brain Shrinks With Age?

Scary, isn’t it? Comprehension, memory and reasoning actually begin to decline at the age of 45 – considerably earlier than previous studies where declining brain capacity began at 60.

Brain shrinkage increases even more when associated with smoking, high blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes and obesity, according to a recent study at the University of California-Davis.

I discovered a virtual Fountain of Youth recently in my research – a key to reversing the effects of aging on our brains and slowing brain shrinkage. In fact, this secret “Miracle-Gro®” ingredient is already produced inside your body!

It’s called BDNF, Brain-derived Neurotrophic Factor. BDNF is a versatile protein linked to brain cell survival and rejuvenation.

Ground-breaking research from UC San Diego has shown the protein BDNF impacting memory circuits in the brain and preventing disease at the cellular level. It appeared to prevent and treat Alzheimer’s Disease in mice and monkeys!

BDNF enhancement also was shown to have beneficial effects on Parkinson’s Disease, high-blood pressure and disorders of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

How Can I Increase My BDNF Levels?

One simple and inexpensive way to increase BDNF in your brain is to start each day with 20 minutes of aerobics or brisk walking. Just 20 minutes increases your alertness, lowers your stress and wakes up your brain! If you want to increase your BDNF levels even more, sprint for 1 minute, then walk for 2. Keep doing this for 30-45 minutes. In studies, this has shown to increase BDNF levels by 20% or more compared to non-sprinters.

Watch this CBS News report highlighting new research in neuroscience demonstrating how exercise makes kids smarter. The real-world study showed that kids who exercised before class had double the improvement compared to kids who exercised afterwards. Exercise enhances brain plasticity and promotes the growth of new brain cells.

Continue reading “Help – My Brain is Shrinking!”