Ginseng – The King of the Herbal Kingdom

Li Ching-Yuen, photographed in 1927 at the residence of General Yang Sen

One of the most famous tales in all of Chinese Medicine is that of a master herbalist, healer and mountain man, Li Ching Yun (Li Ching-Yuen) who lived an amazingly long life to 253 years of age.

What was his secret? Very simple, Li Ching Yun had discovered and mastered the rare art of “Adaptogenic Medicine”, using herbal compounds, healing foods and strenuous exercise each day.

The core of his success was the use of profound herbal compounds; in particular, wild crafted Ginseng, to trigger this action of “Adaptogenisis” in the body.

The Body as Doctor

What this means is that the body, when given the right elements from Nature, can literally change itself like a chameleon to adjust to the rigors of life and disease. This in turn means that the body overcomes the imbalances, the disease elements, and stays in control of itself, healthy and vigorous both physically and mentally as well as spiritually.

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