The Secret Alzheimer's Warning Sign

You are probably familiar with traditional Alzheimer’s warning signs. lists these early signs and symptoms:  memory loss that disrupts daily life, difficulty problem solving, planning and completing familiar tasks, confusion with places and times, losing things frequently, and experiencing changes in mood and personality.

But there are important, yet hardly known, potential precursors to Alzheimer’s.

I’ve shared with you repeatedly over the years the dangers of using anti-depressants and sleep medications.  If they aren’t bad enough, there are drugs out there that attempt to combine them both and what they end up with is a chemical “Russian Roulette” cocktail.

In an article titled These Common Drugs are Giving You Alzheimer’s and published this month in The Institute for Natural Healing, a research publication, the authors talk about this new family of drugs – Benzodiazepines, or benzos – are dangerous in many ways.

Doctors are prescribing benzos in an attempt to treat anxiety, depression and insomnia in one extremely powerful little pill called Xanax, Valium, and Ativan  – and not surprisingly, these little monsters are responsible for 35% of the 1.4 million prescription drug-related ER visits in one year alone.

According to the article, researchers discovered that taking these drugs for only 3 months can increase risk of developing Alzheimer’s by over 50%!

This is just astounding.  And believe me when I say the drug companies aren’t going to be advertising the results of this study!

The researchers concluded that these medications should be declared a public health crisis – the longer the seniors in the study took these drugs, the greater the increased risk. The author’s of the article declared this to be a “direct threat to your health – even your life!

These drugs are beyond dangerous, they are destructive to our brain and thinking capacity. Never take them.  And if you are taking them now?  Please contact our Healthy Living Support team and set up a consultation to find out how to immediately get off of these drugs safely.

And now the good news!

We’ve told you for years about natural ways to help prevent this horrific disease from ever affecting your life.  Our anti-alzheimers formulas are

Mind PowerOmega 3-6-9 and Ultra D3.  Combined, these three formulas can give you the edge against dementia and the traditional Alzheimer’s symptoms.

In this “Information Age,” the effects of stress overload the brain, wreaking havoc on our thinking ability. Mind Power is like an “Einstein-pill” that fuels the genius inside of you, allowing you to think faster, remember faster and deliver protection against the ravages of dementia and early-onset Alzheimer’s.

Research out of the University of Exeter Medical School recently discovered vitamin D3 deficiency raised the risk of dementia by 53% and severe deficiency – blood levels lower than 25 nmol/L – increased risk by 125%.  And the news kept getting worse. Low vitamin D3 levels increased risk of Alzheimer’s Disease by 69% and the ones who were severely deficient, increased their chances by 122%!  This study proves there is a direct link between low vitamin D3 levels and dementia/Alzheimer’s.

You need to take Ultra D3 every. single. day! Whether you are 25 or 85, it’s not too soon or too late to be giving your brain what it needs to stay healthy!

Omega 3-6-9 is a balanced blend of Omega-3 and Omega-6 Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) plus Omega-9, a non-essential, but beneficial fatty acid. Omega-3 and Omega-6 are necessary for the maintenance of your heart, nervous system and skin. Omega-9 promotes a healthy vascular system.
EFAs are vitally important for brain health, as the brain consists primarily of EFAs.

For children labeled with ADD/ADHD and elderly experiencing Alzheimer’s symptoms, try Omega 3/6/9 to supply the brain with the vital nutrients it needs.

We can’t guarantee you won’t ever get Alzheimer’s Disease, but we want you to have the best chance possible to never contract this dreaded illness.

We are on your team!

Alzheimer's, Pigs and Einstein

“Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death.”
– Albert Einstein

Let me tell you the story about how Alzheimer’s, pigs and Albert Einstein intersect in the body.

I recently had the opportunity to share my opinion on a radio interview, on how to live each day to the fullest, healthiest and most productive – and how to put an end to brain deterioration. Take a few minutes to listen the the interview.

Alzheimer’s did not exist when I was growing up. It has only appeared in the last few decades and was simply unknown until very recently. Other modern epidemics too are running rampant, like diabetes, hypertension, breast and prostate cancer.

We are having these new epidemics because we are doing things humans have never done before. These record rates are confined to the industrialized nations,
especially America.

No one in the history of the entire world has ever hogged down so many calories, fat, sugars, and nutrition-less food than we do. No one.

Alzheimer’s disease is basically based upon inflammation and oxidative stress – the same factors causing coronary heart disease. Once Alzheimer’s takes hold, it cannot be cured. The most significant causes are excess sugar intake (more than 160 pounds per person each year,) high blood glucose, high insulin, and insulin resistance.

Our mad devotion to eating double bacon cheeseburgers only adds fuel to the fire as we stuff over 40% saturated (animal) fat calories into ourselves each day. The percentage of fat we consume should only be 10 to 20%, and come directly from vegetable oils.

Excessive saturated animal fats from dead pigs (in the form of bacon and ham) and dead cows (hamburger, steak, etc.) is what is killing America.

Of course, we all need to stop our addiction to animal protein and eat NO pig and NO dairy. That’s the first step. But, there’s more.

Our Brain has a “Sixth Sense” quality about it.

Like so many of our formulas, Mind Power has seemingly a thousand and one ingredients. Every conceivable thing I discovered or was told about in my journeys would increase intelligence and enrich the brain is in this formula. (Click the picture on the right of the Supplement Facts label and you’ll see what I mean.)

Specifically, Mind Power helps anyone who does a lot of what I call “Volume Thinking”. Students of all ages discover an entirely new way of studying things and storing up tons of information for later use or analysis.

Continue reading “Alzheimer's, Pigs and Einstein”

Vitamin B "puts off" Alzheimer's

Next to “Cancer”, the most frightening word in everyday language is “Alzheimer’s”. It strikes without warning and finding a “cure” is next to impossible, researchers say.

But just yesterday, groundbreaking news hit my desk from England about an in-depth study that shows dramatic hope to “put off” Alzheimer’s and maybe totally beat it.

Illustration by Stacy Janis
Source: Alzheimer's Association

A new trial suggests high doses of B vitamins may HALVE THE RATE of brain shrinkage in older people experiencing some of the warning signs of Alzheimer’s disease. Brain shrinkage is one of the symptoms of mild cognitive impairment, which often leads to dementia. Here’s some quick facts on brain shrinkage:

  • The average brain shrinks at a rate of 0.5% a year after the age of 60.
  • The brains of those with mild cognitive impairment shrink twice as fast. (1.0%)
  • Alzheimer’s patients have brain shrinkage of 2.5% a year.

If we can find a way to slow the rate of brain shrinkage, this could be the first step towards finding a way to delay the onset of Alzheimer’s, researchers believe.

The study, published in the journal Public Library of Science One from Oxford University included members from several departments within the University, including members from the Oxford Project to Investigate Memory and Ageing (OPTIMA), looked at 168 elderly people experiencing levels of mental decline known as mild cognitive impairment. This condition, marked by mild memory lapses and language problems, is beyond what can be explained by normal aging and can be a precursor to Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia.

In the trial study, one-half of the volunteers were given a daily tablet containing the B vitamins Folate, B6 and B12 at levels well above the recommended daily amount. The other half were given a placebo. After two years, the rate at which their brains had shrunk was measured.

The clinical trial found that on average, in those taking vitamin supplements, brain shrinkage slowed by 30%. In some cases it slowed by more than 50%, making their brain atrophy about the same as people without cognitive impairment.

Did you catch that? Up to 50% improvement! This is significant by any measurement.

Continue reading “Vitamin B "puts off" Alzheimer's”