Cannabis science is the greatest secret in all medicine and healing.

Take a moment and read the article, “I just stopped being so depressed!” about the newest addition to our superior anti-inflammatory formulas – CBD Enriched Cannabis Oil.

We can’t seem to keep the stuff on the shelves and it isn’t surprising because it’s super effective, gets amazing results, and you don’t need a prescription to use it!

Cannabis (CBD) Oil is a miraculous compound that lovingly nourishes your inner psyche.

It can provide relief from severe depression, exhaustion, fibromyalgia, PMS, M.S. and severe pain, anywhere in the body or mind wherever there is inflammation.  Last week, we received this testimonial via email from a very satisfied customer!

“Hi Wayne, I just wanted to tell you I’ve been using your Cannabis Oil for about 2 weeks, and WOW  – it’ really incredible!  I suffer from Fibromyalgia and found this product helps a lot – are there other products you would suggest?” – Marybeth Pisano

We now carry CBD Enriched Cannabis Oil drops, which are a CBD-enhanced nutritional supplement from hemp oil, which is legal to use in all 50 states – and like Marybeth, you may see results almost immediately.

CBD Oil found in hemp has been shown  to provide a plethora of health benefits for infections, autoimmune disorders, chronic pain, and other physical and emotional issues arising from inflammation in the body.

Don’t wait on this one!



"I just stopped being so depressed!"

Cannabis science is the greatest secret in all medicine and healing.

Ever since Cannabidiol (CBD) Oil blasted onto the scene with miraculous stories of complete reversal of chronic symptoms and disease, the medical community has been scrambling to catch up to the massive amounts of research linking the benefits of CBD Oil to healing.

Cannabis Oil is a truly miraculous compound that nourishes and loves your inner psyche.

It can provide relief from severe depression, exhaustion, fibromyalgia, PMS, M.S. and severe pain, anywhere in the body or mind wherever there is inflammation.

One client recently told us their depression was “just gone” after starting to use this oil.

What is CBD?

CBD is an abbreviation for cannabidiol, a prominent naturally-occurring cannabinoid component found in cannabis that comprises up to 40% of the plant. Cannabidiol is “a cannabinoid devoid of psychoactive effect.”

After THC (Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol), which is the psychoactive cannabinoid found in marijuana, CBD is by far the most studied cannabinoid.

According to many researchers, CBD may be the single most important cannabinoid ever discovered. Our CBD Enriched Cannabis Oil is the completely non-psychoactive type found in the Hemp plant.

The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is one of science’s newest and most exciting discoveries. The ECS regulates relaxation, eating, sleeping, certain inflammation responses and even cognitive function.

There are two types of cannabinoid receptors found throughout the body (CB1 and CB2), but they are most abundant in the brain and immune system respectively. Our ECS is responsible for making sure the entire body is working optimally—no small task!

Why non-psychoactive Cannabis oil?

Without the psycho-activity associated with marijuana, CBD-rich cannabis oil from hemp makes it an appealing treatment option for patients seeking relief from inflammation, pain, anxiety, and anti-psychotic effects without any of the side effects of the THC content.

It is safe and legal for anyone to use because the oil is derived from hemp, rather than from marijuana, and legal in all 50 states and 40 countries!

CBD Oil found in hemp has been shown to provide a plethora of health benefits for infections, autoimmune disorders, chronic pain, and other physical and emotional issues arising from inflammation in the body.

Clinical studies highlight CBD oil as a potential mediator against conditions like arthritis, diabetes, alcoholism, MS, chronic pain, epilepsy, and other neurological disorders.

CBD also demonstrated neuroprotective/ neurogenic effects, and its potential in the race for the cure for cancer are currently being “investigated at several academic research centers in the U.S. and elsewhere.”

IMPORTANT NOTE: The effectiveness of CBD oil in treating the conditions mentioned above – and many others – haven’t YET been scientifically proven, and most research is primarily in the pre-clinical trial stages.

Due to federal regulations, we cannot make claims about whether or not natural CBD hemp oil can help with specific ailments. We do suggest that you conduct your own research, and there is plenty!
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